Holyland Tour Specialist

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Duration of Tour : 10D total with Flights (8D 7N in Israel Holyland).

Purpose of Tour : Bible Study Trip featuring life & ministries of Jesus and Moses footsteps.

Descriptions and Characteristic of the Tour :

This tour will cover Israel and Jordan. In Jordan, we will visit Petra, one of the new seven wonders of the world with stunning view of natural rocks. Inhabited by Nabatean Tribe in ancient times, they built their palace in the area which serve as centre of their government. Moses led Israelites to this land before he passed away in Mount Nebo. At this mountain, God show Moses the land He promised to the patriarchs. So Mount Nebo is where we will learn about Moses, one of the greatest figure in entire bible.


In Israel, we will witness the journey of Jesus Christ in a complete way from His birth, public ministries, death, resurrection, ascension which is the fulfilment of many prophecies of old. Places familiar to bible readers will be covered such as Bethlehem, Jordan River, Jericho, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Mount Carmel and many more. We will also study about Elijah, Elisha, and some Israel past history. You can experience the context by which many bible passages are written therefore you can understand the scripture better as it comes alive in its original locations.

It is also a journey to see the modern Israel, its culture, people, food, geography. Many beautiful, historical and holy sites to be visited. It is a good opportunity to know a lot more about Jesus and the prophets in the bible. It is an enjoyable journey of pilgrimage, prayer, study, worship, fellowship, meditations, reflections that are specifically unique to Holyland Tour. We love it and that is why it will be our privilege to bring you aboard on this journey.

Psalmist say that blessed are those whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither and in whatever he does, he prospers for the Lord knows the way of the righteous. So as you embark on the journey to the Holyland with desires to know God more from His law and His Holy Word, we believe and pray that Lord will bless you with His grace, mercies and lovingkindness.

Look to our homepage to view our different packages and itineraries. If you are located outside south east asia, contact us for special arrangements. Departures from various cities in the world are possible, thanks to our partnerships with airlines.

Talk to us for your booking, feedback or request via our website live chat or email. We will be happy to be in touch with you.

Thank you.

KS Ong and Indra Hu